On Saturday, May 25 2024, the Daily Management of the Business Administration Student Association (PH-HUMANIS) held an Off-Campus Service (PLK) activity which is one of the work programs in the Education Sector with the chief executive, Sister Fasya Nur Tsaniya Safitri. This year, the activity was held in Tamanmartani Village, Kalasan, Sleman, with the aim of:increase awareness of the surrounding community, implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, and train students’ soft skills and hard skills.
This year’s Off-Campus Service (PLK) carries the theme “MSMEs Build Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty”, with the hope that MSMEs can develop and compete in the digital era. By implementing the right strategies, MSMEs can increase brand awareness and brand loyalty. As brand awareness is the level of consumer recognition of a brand and brand loyalty which means the level of consumer loyalty to a brand.
The target of this Off-Campus Service (PLK) activityare MSME actors in Tamanmartani Village and when the activity took place there were 40 MSME actors who were present to take part in the entire series of activities. There are several business categories, namely heavy food, snacks, drinks and fashion. Heavy food categories such as fried chicken are a local and superior product in the Kalasan region which also includes Tamanmartani Village. The second category is snacks such as processed black sapote products, soursop, and various bread snacks. Meanwhile, the beverage category is drinks made from aloe vera and processed traditional herbal medicine, and there is a fashion category, namely batik.
This activity began with singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara as a sign that the activity was about to begin. And continued with the first speech by Sister Fasya Nur Tsaniya Safitri as the chief executive of PLK 2024, the second speech by Brother Rahmad Prasetya as chairman of the PH-Humanis Association, then a speech by Dr. Humam Santoso Utomo, S.Sos., MAB, as head of the Business Administration Department of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. And the final speech was from the representative of Tamanmartani Sub-District Head, Bisma Yuda Anggara, who said that the sub-district welcomed this service activity with pleasure and asked that activities like this could be increased again as a means of assisting MSMEs.
In Off-Campus Community Service (PLK) activities there are three main agendas. First, a workshop on MSME Product Marketing by Dr. Humam Santoso, S.Sos., MAB, who is a lecturer in marketing at the Department of Business Administration at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. Second, a workshop on Product Photos by Sister Fisca Nada Adisa Putri Wicaksono who is a representative of UKMARTS Photography Subunit UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. And on the final agenda is product photography practice for the participants accompanied by volunteers who have been given training on product photography previously.
The participants welcomed this Off-Campus Community Service (PLK) activity. They feel they have gained a lot of new knowledge and skills that are useful for developing their business. And the enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their activeness in participating in the entire series of activities, where they actively asked questions and discussed with the resource persons. This shows that they are very interested in the material presented. And the participants felt that this activity was very useful. They hope that similar activities can be held again.
This off-campus service activity is a form of our commitment to help MSMEs develop their businesses. After this Off-Campus Community Service activity, it is hoped that MSME actors who have participated in the entire series of activities will be beneficial for MSME actors and can increase the competitiveness of MSMEs in Indonesia, especially in the Tamanmartani Subdistrict area.