Department of Business Administration UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

About Us

About Us

The Business Administration Study Program is one of the study programs within UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA under the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences. This study program has been conducting teaching and learning activities since 1995. The Business Administration Study Program is projected to prepare excellent professionals in the field of services, serving as a reference for the service industry in Indonesia with a global perspective, guided by a patriotic spirit.

Educational Objectives 

Profil Lulusan

Graduate ProfileProfile Description
An entrepreneur is a business owner, either individually or collaboratively, who aims to generate profits and invest capital. They are capable of analyzing market conditions and opportunities, determining various strategies, and selecting the most suitable ones. They accelerate business growth creatively, innovatively, and dynamically, based on digital platforms, with the goal of producing high-value and reliable products. They strive to become role models for society and address the challenges of the evolving business world by adding value, providing benefits, creating job opportunities, and ultimately improving the welfare of the community. Entrepreneurs are also proficient in evaluating and implementing controlling functions to manage business performance effectively.
Konsultan BisnisResearcher
A professional who possesses knowledge and expertise in the field of business, capable of providing advice, training, and guidance to solve business problems.
Profesional Bisnis Marketers
Credit Analys
An individual who is capable of managing and developing business functions, making independent managerial decisions, as well as working collaboratively with a group in a synergistic manner to solve managerial problems. They possess strategic thinking skills, make strategic decisions, and view various business issues from a company perspective. They are skilled in designing business models and conducting business reporting.