Department of Business Administration UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Investment Students Association

Student Study Group (KSM) Investment is one of the student organizations located in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. KSM Investment focuses primarily on conducting research and analysis in the field of investment, particularly in the capital market sector. KSM Investment serves as a platform for Business Administration students to learn more about the capital market in an accessible and friendly manner. In KSM Investment, students not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also have the opportunity to apply it directly in practice to become successful investors. Apart from learning about investment, KSM Investment also provides a platform for Business Administration students to learn about organizational skills.


“To establish KSM Investment as a means to develop organizational and investment skills in the field of capital markets, based on a sense of family, in order to create intellectual and competent investors.”


  1. Optimize continuous educational activities about the capital market.
  2. Facilitate activities for the development of soft skills and hard skills in organization and investment.
  3. Strengthen the unity of management and members based on the principles of family.
  4. Expand and foster good working relationships with internal and external campus organizations.

KSM Investment Organizational Structure

There is a management board of KSM Investment for the 2023 period, consisting of five divisions including the Education Division, Human Resource Development Division (PSDM), Marketing Division, Media and Information Division (Medinfo), and Event and Cooperation Division, with a total of 38 board members. Here are the main duties and functions of the organizational structure of KSM Investment for the 2023 period.

Main Duties and Functions of the Organizational Structure

  1. Chairperson:
    a. Organizing, directing, supervising, determining overall policies and strategies.
    b. Consolidating with other student organizations and the Student Affairs Office.
    c. Evaluating the performance of the board members.
    d. Presenting performance evaluation reports of the KSM Investment board members in the General Assembly.
  2. Vice Chairperson:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson in formulating organizational policies and strategies.
    b. Monitoring and evaluating the performance of board members and members.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  3. SecretaryI:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson in formulating organizational policies and strategies.
    b. Monitoring and evaluating the performance of board members and members.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  4. Secretary II:
    a. Assisting Secretary I in managing the administration of KSM Investment.
    b. Assisting Secretary I in developing administrative strategies and decision-making within the organization, along with the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer I and II.
    c. Assisting Secretary I in monitoring and evaluating the inventory records of KSM Investment. d. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  5. Treasurer I:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson in managing the finances of KSM Investment.
    b. Managing financial resources and allocation of funds in KSM Investment together with Treasurer II.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  6. Treasurer II:
    a. Assisting Treasurer I in managing the finances of KSM Investment.
    b. Assisting Treasurer I in the management and allocation of funds in KSM Investment.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  7. Education Division:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of KSM Investment in educational activities and promoting investment knowledge.
    b. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  8. PSDM Division:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of KSM Investment in unifying and coordinating internal members of KSM Investment.
    b. Implementing various activities for the development of human resources to foster a sense of solidarity and prepare future management cadres for KSM Investment.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  9. Media & Information Division:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of KSM Investment in communication activities and information dissemination through various media channels, both internal and external to KSM Investment.
    b. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  10. Marketing Division:
    a. Facilitating members and non-members of KSM Investment with MNC Sekuritas.
    b. Facilitating the opening of stock accounts for members and non-members of KSM Investment.
    c. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.
  11. Event and Cooperation Division:
    a. Assisting the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of KSM Investment in branding activities for KSM Investment.
    b. Establishing working relationships with external parties.
    c. Organizing and conducting educational programs by KSM Investment for external parties.
    d. Presenting accountability reports in the General Assembly.

Social Media

Instagram: @ksminvestasiupnyk

Tiktok: @ksminvestasi_upnyk

Line: @VYP441M